Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover

Our Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover is a barrier that helps maintain the sterile field during application and removal. It is placed over the sterile Mayo stand setup. The cover helps medical professionals more easily prepare their operating rooms and maintain the sterile fields within them.

The Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover provides a highly effective tool for reducing contamination and helping to maintain the sterility of OR Mayo stands when sterile surgical instruments or implants are not in use.

The importance of this function should not be underestimated:


According to AORN guidelines for perioperative practice, the sterile field should be covered when not in use or during periods of increased activity, like pre-incision or repositioning of the patient.*


Instructional Videos

Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover

The Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover offers the same compliance and level of protection as the Sterile-Z Back Table Cover. Like our back table drape, the Mayo stand drape maintains the sterile field during application, deployment, and removal and is made of a clear material that allows you to see what is beneath the drape and where each instrument is located.

• Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover - 5582 : Instructions For Use

  • Description
  • 5582
    Sterile-Z Mayo Stand Cover
    30" x 26"

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*Guidelines for sterile technique. In: Wood A, editor. Guidelines for perioperative practice. Denver (CO): AORN; 2021. pp. 944-967.
