6 Posey Product Solutions You Need in Your Patient Falls Prevention Toolkit

Nov 5, 2021 6:00:00 AM

The Importance of Patient Falls Prevention

Patient falls rank within the top five hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) that the national Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services deem high cost/high volume and “could reasonably have been prevented through the application of evidence‑based guidelines.”1

It is estimated that 3% to 20% of inpatients fall at least once while hospitalized, but the fact is that all patients are at risk of falling.2 In some instances, advanced age or other intrinsic risk factors such as low blood pressure, impaired mobility, or poor vision play a role. In others, the physical environment is causal — a slippery floor, inadequate lighting, the effects of certain medications, and the like.

Regardless of what contributes to a fall, a healthcare facility must be staunchly committed to falls prevention to ensure that these popularly termed “never events” are truly that.

Proper execution of a falls prevention strategy largely depends on the tools that healthcare professionals have at their disposal. Posey®, a TIDI Products brand, is the go-to for 70% of U.S. hospitals, and with good reason. There are more than 80 years of falls prevention, patient safety, and clinical education expertise behind the Posey products clinicians ask for by name.

Patient Monitoring to Prevent Unanticipated Physiologic Falls

When physical and/or cognitive functions are interrupted, patients may be more susceptible to episodes of delirium, loss of consciousness, or seizures.3 In these altered states, it is not uncommon for patients to exit the bed, rise from or sit in chairs, or attempt to toilet without proper assistance.

Even though these types of fall risks are assessed and anticipated by clinicians anywhere from 38% to 78% of the time in hospitalized older adults, it is unrealistic to expect staff to monitor all patients simultaneously.3 Furthermore, 40% of falls occur within 30 minutes of an hourly rounding visit by healthcare providers.3

Posey product solutions that are focused on patient monitoring give nurses and other healthcare professionals an electronic advantage:

1. Posey HeadStart Notification Sensors are restraint-alternative devices4 that use a dual-release design to provide caregivers with advance notification of a possible unassisted chair or bed exit. HeadStart Sensors require use of a Posey Alarm.
2. Posey Sitter On Cue Alarms provide a restraint-free solution for alerting caregivers to potential fall risks, allowing them more time to be proactive in falls prevention. Sitter On Cue Alarms are compatible with all Posey Sensors.
3. Posey Toilet Sensors work in conjunction with Posey Alarms to make caregivers aware of unassisted toilet exits, providing an opportunity to intervene and administer to patients’ bathroom and ambulatory needs.

Creating a Safe Physical Environment to Protect Patients

An estimated 84% of adverse events in hospital patients are related to falls, which can prolong or complicate recovery.3 Should the unfortunate occur, having precautions in place can significantly reduce fall severity and related injury potential:

4. Posey Floor Cushions are made of low-profile EVA foam and when placed by a chair or bedside can absorb up to 85% of a fall’s impact per testing. All models were tested according to ASTM protocols for shock absorbency. Their various sizes and beveled edges minimize tripping hazards while allowing easy use of wheelchairs and walkers.Woman standing on floor cushion sensor next to a hospital bed

Mitigating Injury Risk with Specialized Products

Outfitting patients with Posey product solutions that offer protection from falls helps keep them safe. It also serves as a visual cue to clinicians of high fall-risk potential:

5. Posey Falls Prevention Socks and Slippers are made with non-skid soles or skid-resistant treads that help patients maintain proper footing when ambulating with or without mobility aids.
6. Posey Hipsters undergarments have built-in foam pads positioned over fracture-prone areas of the hip, giving at-risk patients a protective barrier from severe fall-related injury.

Hospitals and healthcare facilities must maintain vigilance to prevent falls, a major contributor to HACs. A solid toolkit of Posey product solutions supports strategic policy and guidelines surrounding falls prevention. Contact your Posey representative to discuss your needs.

  1. https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/HospitalAcqCond/Hospital-Acquired_Conditions. Page last modified: February 11, 2020. Accessed online: October 2021.
  2. https://www.myamericannurse.com/taking-appropriate-precautions-falls/. Published online: July 9, 2015. Accessed online: October 2021.
  3. https://www.myamericannurse.com/assessing-patients-risk-falling/. Published online: July 13, 2015. Accessed online: October 2021.
  4. https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Transmittals/downloads/R37SOMA.pdf (page 96)


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